18. juli 2015

Island rundt i 10 dage - Hofsos - Vesturfararsetrið

Hvis du vil vide noget historisk om Island, så er nedenstående sagen.
Du får et godt indblik i den udvandring som skete til Amerika/Canada fra 1870'erne.
Hungersnøden drev snart 5/6 dele af befolkningen væk fra øen.
Man kan godt afsætte en del tid til at gå rundt i de 3 bygninger.
Det var netop ved dette sted at de fleste valgte at sejle fra.
Nedenstående (på engelsk) fortæller de selv om stedet.


    The museum is open every day, during the summer, from 11 to 18.

    The story of the Icelandic migration in the 19th century exhibited in text, pictures
    and staging. Conditions of the ordinary Icelanders towards the end of the 19th century explaining where they emigrated from, and where the Icelanders settled in the new land. This exhibit is situated in the Old Co-op House.

    A display of photography taken in North America from 1870 to 1910 with approximately 400 photographs of Icelandic emigrants, most of whom are identified by name and their former home in Iceland. The exhibit is situadet in "Frændgarður" house.

    The story of the Icelandic settlement in North Dakota, USA, with special emphasis on how children might have experienced the journey and the wonders of the new land. The exhibit is situated in the "King's Retail Store".

Der er også en lille flagfabrik

Manitoba (anlagt af islændige)

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